Rural 21 (engl. Ausgabe 2/2016)

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Focus 2/2016: Rural transformation
A comprehensive societal change is in progress in many rural regions throughout the world. More and more people are moving to the cities, the role of agriculture is diminishing, while the manufacturing and service sectors are increasingly determining economic development. These developments, which shaped the fortunes of the now highly industrialised countries in the nineteenth century and those of the middle-income countries in the late twentieth century, are now confronting many countries of the developing world with major challenges. How can they make this transformation process not only effective and efficient, but also socially equitable and sustainable?
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Rural 21 is devoted to the development of the rural areas of developing and newly industrialising countries. The magazine is a lively turntable where science, politics, the business world an practitioners exchange their experience and knowledge.

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Verlag DLG-Verlag
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