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Artikel 31-40 von 217

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  1. Rural 21 (engl. Ausgabe 4/2021)

    Focus 2/2021: Tailwind for sustainable artisanal fisheries

    In mid-June 2021 the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration was officially launched by the UN General Assembly. It follows the UN Decade on Biodiversity, which closed with the sobering assessment that none of the targets which the international community had set itself on world-wide conservation of biodiversity, the so-called Aichi Targets, had been fully achieved. On the contrary, never before has species extinction progressed as rapidly as during the last 100 years. And this is happening despite our all being fully aware that biological diversity and its related ecosystem services – such as food, clean water, clean air and natural ingredients of medicines, to name just a few – are essential for the survival of humankind.

    When the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration draws to a close, we will also have reached the target year of Agenda 2030, the year by which the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ought to have been achieved. All of us know that the majority of these Goals cannot be reached if the current pace of biological extinction is not slowed down. And since the corona pandemic at the latest, it has become unambiguously clear just how closely the well-being of humans and that of nature are linked. So it is high time for us to rethink and completely revise our relationship with nature.

    One opportunity for this comes up this year’s October, when the international community gathers in Kunming, China, at the 15th Conference of the Parties of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) to negotiate a new global biodiversity framework. What do we expect from these talks? We couldn’t put it better than Christian Schwarzer, Founding Member of the Global Youth Biodiversity Network, who said at the recent European Development Days: “I want you to fight for biodiversity as if the life of your beloved family were at stake.”


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  2. DLG Lebensmittel 6/2021

    Im Mittelpunkt des Heftes stehen Fachartikel und Praxisbeiträge zu den Themen "Lebensmittelqualität", "Sensorik", "Lebensmitteltechnologie", "Ingredienzien" sowie "Kommunikation/Marketing". Ein aktueller Blick in die Entwicklung der Lebensmittelmärkte rundet das Angebot ab. Damit werfen wir einen ganzheitlichen Blick auf die „Welt der Lebensmittel“ – von der Entwicklung, über die Produktion bis zur Vermarktung.

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  3. Rural 21 (engl. Ausgabe 3/2021)

    Focus 2/2021: Food systems, nutrition and the SDGs

    In mid-June 2021 the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration was officially launched by the UN General Assembly. It follows the UN Decade on Biodiversity, which closed with the sobering assessment that none of the targets which the international community had set itself on world-wide conservation of biodiversity, the so-called Aichi Targets, had been fully achieved. On the contrary, never before has species extinction progressed as rapidly as during the last 100 years. And this is happening despite our all being fully aware that biological diversity and its related ecosystem services – such as food, clean water, clean air and natural ingredients of medicines, to name just a few – are essential for the survival of humankind.

    When the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration draws to a close, we will also have reached the target year of Agenda 2030, the year by which the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ought to have been achieved. All of us know that the majority of these Goals cannot be reached if the current pace of biological extinction is not slowed down. And since the corona pandemic at the latest, it has become unambiguously clear just how closely the well-being of humans and that of nature are linked. So it is high time for us to rethink and completely revise our relationship with nature.

    One opportunity for this comes up this year’s October, when the international community gathers in Kunming, China, at the 15th Conference of the Parties of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) to negotiate a new global biodiversity framework. What do we expect from these talks? We couldn’t put it better than Christian Schwarzer, Founding Member of the Global Youth Biodiversity Network, who said at the recent European Development Days: “I want you to fight for biodiversity as if the life of your beloved family were at stake.”


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  4. DLG Lebensmittel 5/2021

    Im Mittelpunkt des Heftes stehen Fachartikel und Praxisbeiträge zu den Themen "Lebensmittelqualität", "Sensorik", "Lebensmitteltechnologie", "Ingredienzien" sowie "Kommunikation/Marketing". Ein aktueller Blick in die Entwicklung der Lebensmittelmärkte rundet das Angebot ab. Damit werfen wir einen ganzheitlichen Blick auf die „Welt der Lebensmittel“ – von der Entwicklung, über die Produktion bis zur Vermarktung.

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    5,50 €
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  5. DLG Lebensmittel 4/2021

    Im Mittelpunkt des Heftes stehen Fachartikel und Praxisbeiträge zu den Themen "Lebensmittelqualität", "Sensorik", "Lebensmitteltechnologie", "Ingredienzien" sowie "Kommunikation/Marketing". Ein aktueller Blick in die Entwicklung der Lebensmittelmärkte rundet das Angebot ab. Damit werfen wir einen ganzheitlichen Blick auf die „Welt der Lebensmittel“ – von der Entwicklung, über die Produktion bis zur Vermarktung.

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  6. Rural 21 (engl. Ausgabe 2/2021)

    Focus 2/2021: Biodiversity

    In mid-June 2021 the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration was officially launched by the UN General Assembly. It follows the UN Decade on Biodiversity, which closed with the sobering assessment that none of the targets which the international community had set itself on world-wide conservation of biodiversity, the so-called Aichi Targets, had been fully achieved. On the contrary, never before has species extinction progressed as rapidly as during the last 100 years. And this is happening despite our all being fully aware that biological diversity and its related ecosystem services – such as food, clean water, clean air and natural ingredients of medicines, to name just a few – are essential for the survival of humankind.

    When the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration draws to a close, we will also have reached the target year of Agenda 2030, the year by which the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ought to have been achieved. All of us know that the majority of these Goals cannot be reached if the current pace of biological extinction is not slowed down. And since the corona pandemic at the latest, it has become unambiguously clear just how closely the well-being of humans and that of nature are linked. So it is high time for us to rethink and completely revise our relationship with nature.

    One opportunity for this comes up this year’s October, when the international community gathers in Kunming, China, at the 15th Conference of the Parties of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) to negotiate a new global biodiversity framework. What do we expect from these talks? We couldn’t put it better than Christian Schwarzer, Founding Member of the Global Youth Biodiversity Network, who said at the recent European Development Days: “I want you to fight for biodiversity as if the life of your beloved family were at stake.”


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    8,30 €
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  7. DLG Lebensmittel 3/2021

    Im Mittelpunkt des Heftes stehen Fachartikel und Praxisbeiträge zu den Themen "Lebensmittelqualität", "Sensorik", "Lebensmitteltechnologie", "Ingredienzien" sowie "Kommunikation/Marketing". Ein aktueller Blick in die Entwicklung der Lebensmittelmärkte rundet das Angebot ab. Damit werfen wir einen ganzheitlichen Blick auf die „Welt der Lebensmittel“ – von der Entwicklung, über die Produktion bis zur Vermarktung.

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  8. Rural 21 (engl. Ausgabe 1/2021)

    Focus 1/2021: The challenge of innovation

    “Innovate or die” is a known mantra in the business world. It has already accompanied generations of entrepreneurs, reminding them that if they seek to survive on the market in the long run, “business as usual” cannot be an option. The stakeholders in development cooperation, too, have long been aware that resorting to tried and tested insights and methods simply isn’t enough when it comes to coping with global challenges such as climate change and biodiversity loss, depletion of natural resources and a growing number of conflicts – including newly emerging epidemics.

    Meanwhile, there is far-reaching agreement that progress in development in the rural regions of our world not being at the level desired cannot be put down to a lack of new knowledge. Rather, the problem is that of implementing this knowledge and hence the question of how new ideas get “from the lab to the field”, how innovative solutions can be taken to scale, and quickly at that, for there is no time to lose.

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    8,30 €
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  9. DLG Lebensmittel 2/2021

    Im Mittelpunkt des Heftes stehen Fachartikel und Praxisbeiträge zu den Themen "Lebensmittelqualität", "Sensorik", "Lebensmitteltechnologie", "Ingredienzien" sowie "Kommunikation/Marketing". Ein aktueller Blick in die Entwicklung der Lebensmittelmärkte rundet das Angebot ab. Damit werfen wir einen ganzheitlichen Blick auf die „Welt der Lebensmittel“ – von der Entwicklung, über die Produktion bis zur Vermarktung.

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    5,50 €
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  10. DLG Lebensmittel 1/2021

    Im Mittelpunkt des Heftes stehen Fachartikel und Praxisbeiträge zu den Themen "Lebensmittelqualität", "Sensorik", "Lebensmitteltechnologie", "Ingredienzien" sowie "Kommunikation/Marketing". Ein aktueller Blick in die Entwicklung der Lebensmittelmärkte rundet das Angebot ab. Damit werfen wir einen ganzheitlichen Blick auf die „Welt der Lebensmittel“ – von der Entwicklung, über die Produktion bis zur Vermarktung.

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    5,50 €
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